Affordable Care Act – Individual Rights & Responsibilities 2025

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By changing many of the rules traditionally applicable to health insurance and imposing healthcare-related requirements on virtually every individual, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is likely to affect virtually every person in the United States in some way.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) imposes various tax increases in order to generate revenue and uses a carrot and stick approach to ensure individuals comply with its provisions by offering tax credits for compliance and, until 2019, by imposing tax penalties for non-compliance. This course will review the principal provisions of the law affecting individuals and will consider the:

  • Coverage-related provisions of the PPACA addressing –
    • Plan grandfathering pursuant to which health coverage in force at the time of the law’s passage may be continued,
    • The prohibition of pre-existing condition exclusions,
    • The proscription of lifetime and annual benefit limits,
    • The limitation of health coverage rescissions,
    • The requirement for certain patient protections, and
    • The requirement that plans covering children extend child coverage until age 26;
  • Various personal income tax changes affecting taxpayers; and
  • Tax credits authorized under the law to assist taxpayers by helping them purchase and maintain health insurance coverage.

No advance preparation needed

Program Level – Basic
Program prerequisites – None
Delivery method – QAS self-study
Recommended CPE credits – 2
Recommended field of study – Taxes

Course Learning Objectives

  • List the principal healthcare provisions of the PPACA affecting individuals;  
  • Identify those individuals who may be exempt from the individual mandate; and
  • Calculate the tax credits designed to help ensure that individuals are able to purchase and maintain health insurance coverage.

Copyright 2025 by Winn Publications ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS COURSE MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER. All materials relating to this course are copyrighted by Winn Publications. Purchase of a course includes a license for one person to use the course materials. Absent specific written permission from the copyright holder, it is not permissible to distribute files containing course materials or printed versions of course materials to individuals who have not purchased the course. It is also not permissible to make the course materials available to others over a computer network, Intranet, Internet, or any other storage, transmittal, or retrieval system. This document is designed to provide general information and is not a substitute for professional advice in specific situations. It is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, legal or accounting advice which should be provided only by professional advisers. No advance preparation needed Program Level - Basic Program prerequisites - None Delivery method - QAS self-study Recommended CPE credits - 2 Recommended field of study - Taxes

Course Content
